(2020)   Back

The events of 2020 pushed me out of the city, to a town on the very edge of the suburbs, in the shadow of my old school. Its rugby posts stand on the horizon. Beyond the curve of the M25, the cul-de-sacs unravel into open countryside. I spent the long days exploring hidden alleyways and finding new ways to depict my new surroundings, including painting, etching and linoprint.

painting of school building in trees suburbia

lino print of rugby posts fences print Will Dalton drawing of rugby posts by Will Dalton

painting of grass field lump painting of roof suburbia skyline trees horizon

painting of trees in Norman Park Bromley by Will Dalton

lino print of slow lettering on road

Will Dalton painting of country road winding painting of country road winding 2

acrylic painting of 3 2 1 signs on motorway roads uk by Will Dalton


Will Dalton is an artist and writer based in London. He uses the materials of everyday life to explore how our personal experiences are shaped by the objects, places and spaces around us.
